Entered to the castle

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Title     Entered to the castle
Photographer     yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user
Portfolio     Castle of Toblino
Categories     Architecture
Camera     Fuji Finepix S304
Submitted     October 25, 2003 6:36:18 AM CDT
Views     297
Rating     11 Thumb-up

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from neoviruz/Neo (480) Send mail to this user on November 3, 2003 2:22:07 PM CST (4)

Attractive the ambientazione and the brightness of the photograph. Quite chosen the perspective and the field. The colors of the doors stand out at the just point. A lot of compliments for the photograph!

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from mtpsuper/Maria Teresa (40,702) Send mail to this user on October 25, 2003 9:55:11 AM CDT (5) Early critique

Ah, Eugenio, allora dillo che vuoi continuare a "sfruculiarci" con Toblino, uno dei posti più belli e suggestivi che io abbia mai visto. Un luogo da fiaba, con tanto di castello in miniatura su un bellissimo lago. Ne ho bellissimi ricordi. Detto questo, e, anzi, scusa la digressione, la tua foto mi sembra perfetta, nitidissima e ben inquadrata: la luminosità è quella giusta, così come è particolarissimo lo stemma colorato sul portoncino, giustamente solo a lato nell'inquadratura, che, come dicevo, ricorda un po' le fiabe. Bravo!

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on October 25, 2003 6:04:15 PM CDT

Ciao Maria Teresa,ti ringrazio per le critiche e i complimenti,devo a te l' avermi ricordato che abito ad un tiro di "obbiettivo" dal castello e che il proprietario e' un mio vecchio amico,anzi se nei tuoi " giri" passi di qui ti organizzo una visita all' interno, segrete comprese. Ciao Eugenio


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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from miked/Michael (16,468) Send mail to this user on October 25, 2003 7:08:48 AM CDT (6) Early critique

Excellent eye for the everyday material. I agree with Dan that it takes a special eye to "SEE" the ordinary and turn it into a beautiful photo. The details and textures in the building are very good. The perspective in which it is taken really shows size and demension. Well done. Regards Mike

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from dpanicc1/Dan (662) Send mail to this user on October 25, 2003 6:58:49 AM CDT (7) Early critique

I love these building shots that expose well and have lots of detail. This is a nice photo and framed nicely. The mere fact that you and other good photographers can see these oportunities in the first place amazes me. I am working to that end but it's slow..., anyway, technically it seems flawless to me. Nice job. Regards, Dan.

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