Dawn of rain

This photo is copyrighted by the photographer and may not be used without permission.


Title     Dawn of rain
Photographer     yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user
Portfolio     Acqua
Categories     Landscape
Filter     Skylight
Camera     Fuji Finepix S304
Submitted     November 30, 2003 6:42:53 PM CST
Views     835
Rating     37 Thumb-up

Lake of Garda

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from niggmanfred/Manfred (56,458) Send mail to this user on February 22, 2004 10:26:21 AM CST (6)

hello Eugenio, tendency at the Lago di Garda like one it as visitors and a photographer in such a way wishes itself, the day is slowly to end and the last warm jets of the sun delivers its beautiful warm and reddish jets and transforms everything into this great tendency, you a large photo work succeeded, excuses my English, best regards, Manfred

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from rvwv/Ray (11,803) Send mail to this user on February 22, 2004 4:27:23 AM CST (6)

Intersting photo Eugenio. Missed you lately so just wanted to drop by and give a small critique. Love the simmering lake and look forward to some more of your photos.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from günter/Günter (14,261) Send mail to this user on December 14, 2003 3:51:24 PM CST (3)

Hi Eugenio, tis is an outstanding landscape shot. The strong contrast between the silhouettes and the glittering reflections in the foreground and the vanishing reflections and mountains in the background give the image a great depth. The grain doesn't distract here. Well done.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from mikescot/Mike (26,435) Send mail to this user on December 14, 2003 3:01:57 AM CST (6)

Beautiful landscape shot. I like very good angle of shot and wonderful location. Nice composition- interesting mood of this shot. Regards, Mike.

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Non-conforming thumb-up Non-conforming thumb-up Non-conforming thumb-up    from alexx/Alessandro (3,458) This user is a Premium Member Send mail to this user on December 8, 2003 2:22:19 PM CST

Great Shot! Complimenti! I like this pic in it's enterely quality. Good Job! Cheers! AleXX


From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on December 8, 2003 2:27:54 PM CST

Thanks Alessandro


Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from elisa/Elisa (494) Send mail to this user on December 7, 2003 12:16:37 PM CST (4)

Stunning image! I do like the big contrast between the dark silhouettes and the glittering water. Thanks for sharing this view, Eugenio!

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on December 8, 2003 2:26:41 PM CST

Thanks Elisa


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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from mtpsuper/Maria Teresa (40,702) Send mail to this user on December 1, 2003 5:58:50 PM CST (5)

Ciao Eugenio. Wow! The Lake, with the L as a capital letter. And you took this photo of it in an special moment and with a special light. I like very much the mountains's silhouette, and the wounderful reflections on water, silver in the foreground and then more delicate and soft pink behind. Do you know that this will force you to take the same frame the next summer, to show us the golden summer reflections? Very fine thing my friend! --------------- Wow! Il Lago, con la Elle maiuscola. E tu hai scattato questa foto in un momento speciale e con una luce speciale. Mi piacciono tantissimo le sagome delle montagne, ed i meravigliosi riflessi sull'acqua, argentati in primo piano a poi più delicati e di un morbido rosa sullo sfondo. Lo sai che questo ti costringerà a fare la stessa foto con la stessa inquadratura l'estate prossima, per farci vedere i riflessi dorati che ci sono in estate? Davvero una bellissima cosa amico mio! Bravo!

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on December 1, 2003 6:03:53 PM CST

Grazie Maria Teresa per le belle parole , il lago di Garda riserva sempre delle sorprese anche per me che passo da quella strada tutti i giorni.


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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from puszysty/P (5,627) Send mail to this user on December 1, 2003 2:31:33 PM CST (4)

Very nice shot although I would prefer to see a bit more detail in the front and on the left.

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on December 1, 2003 3:54:44 PM CST

Thanks for the criticism and the comments


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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from alecinzia/Ale (462) Send mail to this user on December 1, 2003 1:46:05 PM CST (6)

Hi Eugenio, well done: very beautiful shot!! The glare on the lake is wanderful! I like so much! Ciao Eugenio, foto meravigliosa! E' stupendo in riflesso del sole sul lago! Peccato per le gru sulla parte sotto della foto... Complimenti!

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on December 1, 2003 3:52:57 PM CST

Grazie Ale , purtroppo non potevo farle smontare per una foto :-)


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Non-conforming thumb-up Non-conforming thumb-up Non-conforming thumb-up    from jmgaa/Jim (9,520) Send mail to this user on December 1, 2003 12:58:22 PM CST

Beautidul shot


From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on December 1, 2003 1:09:57 PM CST

Thanks Jim


Thumb-down    from jamesl/James (3,913) Send mail to this user on December 1, 2003 12:42:05 PM CST (4)

I'm sorry, but this shot just doesn't work for me. The composition is ok, but the rest could be improved. The amount of noise in the photo really kills it. Have you ever used Neat Image or Noise Ninja? They can do a great job with noise. The lack of color and detail in the image doesn't offer much for my eye to look at. Also, the large blown out spot on the water is what first attracts my eye, not the view. One way to improve this would be to shoot 2 shots, one exposed for the sky and one for the water/houses. Then, you could blend them in PS to create an image with more dynamic range.

Thanks for sharing.

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on December 1, 2003 12:48:45 PM CST

Thanks for the criticism, unfortunately I don't know how to use PS


From jamesl/James (3,913) Send mail to this user on December 1, 2003 12:55:46 PM CST

This is a great site for understanding the basics of working with Digital images (photoshop, paintshop, etc):
Using Neat Image is fairly straight forward. You can download a demo at http://www.neatimage.com There are probably some already created profiles for your camera that you can download from the site. Hope this helps, James


From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on December 1, 2003 1:05:29 PM CST

Thanks for the links


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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from jandrade/Jose Paulo (37,683) This user is a Premium Member Send mail to this user on December 1, 2003 8:12:31 AM CST (3)

Hi! This a difficult photo to shot due to the striking reflections in the water. Althoughwith a little of overexposition this photo is well succeded! Jose Paulo

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on December 1, 2003 1:10:34 PM CST

Thanks Jose Paulo


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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from ryorayan/Ryo (252) Send mail to this user on December 1, 2003 2:51:41 AM CST (2)

Hi, beautiful photo, believes sort in against light, very difficult subject, well succeeded composition, good contrast, IMO I would have given more space to the reflexes. Ryo

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on December 1, 2003 1:11:06 PM CST

Thanks Ryo


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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from jaguar/Mike (1,943) Send mail to this user on December 1, 2003 12:26:51 AM CST (4)

Beautiful composition of shapes and light. Quite different from anything else I've seen recently. It is a refreshing shot.

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on December 1, 2003 1:11:36 PM CST

Thanks Mike


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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from vladimiro/Vladimiro (509) Send mail to this user on November 30, 2003 8:03:55 PM CST (4) Early critique

I like this photo, you could be converted her/it in B/W and she would have been even more beautiful Compliments. A good job. excuse me my bad English . Vladimiro

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on December 1, 2003 1:12:31 PM CST

Thanks Vladimiro


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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from parsifal/Stefano (106) Send mail to this user on November 30, 2003 7:29:56 PM CST (5) Early critique

Hi Eugenio, beautiful image, the reflexes on the lake make this image fascinating. good cut on the mountains that go down on the water. Compliments.

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on December 1, 2003 1:13:05 PM CST

Thanks Stefano


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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from burgass/Borje (1,168) Send mail to this user on November 30, 2003 7:02:40 PM CST (7) Early critique

Beautiful!! Great work in capturing a moment. Great colors and good framing. It is in fact dificult to capture such light conditions!!

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on December 1, 2003 1:09:24 PM CST

Thanks Borgje


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