In front of the manger

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Title     In front of the manger
Photographer     yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user
Portfolio     Federico
Categories     Emotive
Camera     Fuji Finepix S304
Submitted     December 14, 2003 6:59:43 PM CST
Views     224
Rating     6 Thumb-up

Photo in natural light, without tripod, no PS, only crop

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from mtpsuper/Maria Teresa (40,702) Send mail to this user on December 16, 2003 6:09:48 PM CST (1) Early critique

Ciao Eugenio, it's a very warm and at the same time shining image. Christmas's lights and colours are really soft and involving, and the child so interested to the scene in front of him is what would really be the right sensation of these days.
I think it has really few importance, in this case, the little blurred effect due to the (few) natural light and without tripod, cause really, the final effect is really pleasant and fine. ------------
E' una immagine molto calda e luccicante al tempo stesso. Le luci ed i colori del Natale sono molto morbidi e coinvolgenti, ed il bimbo così interessato alla scena che ha davanti è quello che in realtà dovrebbe essere la sensazione di questi giorni.
Credo sia davvero poco importante l'effetto un po' sfocato dovuto alla (poca) luce naturale senza il cavalletto, perchè in realtà, l'effetto finale è molto piacevole e bello. Bravo!

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on December 16, 2003 6:39:02 PM CST

Grazie Maria Teresa per la critica e il commento comprensivo, ho pubblicato questa foto in un momento di entusiasmo, pero' non e' una foto per questo posto, ed ero intenzionato a cancellarla , pero' adesso la lascio , non potrei cancellare il tuo commento :-)



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Thumb-up    from jandrade/Jose Paulo (37,683) This user is a Premium Member Send mail to this user on December 15, 2003 6:03:18 PM CST (2) Early critique

Hi! This is a beautiful composition. Very good! However, technically there is lack of sharpness! I agree that you should use a tripod or use the timer, put the camera in a chair or table and then let the camera photograph the scene. Jose Paulo

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from denniscamp/denniscamp (19,551) Send mail to this user on December 14, 2003 9:51:47 PM CST (2) Early critique

The color and scene is good but it is a little to soft .. drag out the tripod and keep it handy during the holidays. Tis a nice family moment captured.

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