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Title     Lake
Photographer     yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user
Portfolio     Acqua
Categories     Landscape
Camera     Fuji Finepix S304
Submitted     December 19, 2003 6:38:58 PM CST
Views     569
Rating     45 Thumb-up

Lake of Garda

Going to the job I always cross a road that passes in side to the lake. One day that I had with me the camera I have found some beautiful conditions of light.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from sass/Thomas Sass (25,236) Send mail to this user on March 21, 2005 12:20:51 PM CST (1)

WOW - I wouldn't get to work if I had a wiev like this every morning, hehe. I would spend all my time photographing, hehe. A fine capture you have here, Eugenio. The colors are great, perhaps a bit bluish because of the water in the air, but it's only natural. Someone mentioned a polarizer could help you a bit, and I might agree, but on the other hand, you would miss some of that feeling the water in the air is giving you. Keep clicking ;o)
Best regards, Thomas.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from hectortroy/Sean (2,280) Send mail to this user on January 16, 2004 5:43:06 AM CST (4)

Wow, the photo is great. Did you use a polarizer on the shot? I ask, because I would be interested to see the shot with the far shore in slightly hazed out. But then again, the haze acts to give a great negitive space like affect. Either way nice work, Sean

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Non-conforming thumb-up Non-conforming thumb-up Non-conforming thumb-up    from seppg/Joseph (5,363) Send mail to this user on January 2, 2004 9:30:39 PM CST

Well done Eugenio you captured this nice area well. The composition is fantastic and the colors are just right. Keep shooting


Non-conforming thumb-up Non-conforming thumb-up Non-conforming thumb-up    from devta/Tamer (679) Send mail to this user on December 27, 2003 2:05:56 PM CST

nice shot. I really like it,congratulations


Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from kpskhalsa/Karta Purkh (16,239) This user is a Premium Member Send mail to this user on December 27, 2003 1:50:16 PM CST (7)

Stunning sight, wouldn't mind going to work if I had to pass scenery like this. The two levels perfectly compliment and contrast each other. Nice job.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from fly/Ludo (11,886) Send mail to this user on December 27, 2003 10:06:59 AM CST (8)

Eugenio, I have not read the other critiques (the server seesm slow). I like this picture a lot. It give a tremendous atmosphere and a feeling for the depth and the power of this wonderful landscape. I do envy you a little as I have to navigate grey roads and buildings to my place of work...

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on December 27, 2003 10:16:22 AM CST

Thanks Ludo for the appreciations, is true I am very fortunate. And I would like to share with the others the beauties of these places


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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from memo/Mehmet (38,244) Send mail to this user on December 26, 2003 3:37:04 AM CST (9)

hello Eugenio, this is a good landscape photo.. you are lucky to see it everyday :) sharpness, brightness and colors are very good. i liked it. Regards <|MehmeT|>

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from niggmanfred/Manfred (56,458) Send mail to this user on December 26, 2003 3:04:17 AM CST (8)

Hello Eugenio, you photographed the beauty of the landscape and from the Garda lake with your camera beautifully and firmly held, from these Perspective is clearly to be recognized that a lake is here in the fanatsischen mountains, the landscape has a special attraction with the warm grounds tones and is the perecte contrast to the green blue water, a very good photo work of you, best regards, Manfred

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from kienmoser/Gisela (66,983) Send mail to this user on December 26, 2003 2:39:59 AM CST (9)

hello Eugenio, a super motive, this beautiful landscape in the mountains at this lake, the perspective is outstanding, it shows a cutout me as a viewer of the beauty of this area, the blue water gives a marvelous contrast to the landscape in the foreground, which is illuminated of the sun, the colors is beautifully... best regards, Gisela

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Non-conforming thumb-up Non-conforming thumb-up    from rjohnson1/Robert (8,598) Send mail to this user on December 22, 2003 3:02:14 AM CST

The lighting in this picture is very unusual. It almost appears to be two picture combined together. The hills on the far side of the lake are so different in lighting conditions that they do not in any way resemble the hill on the near shore. A great capture of this scene.


Thumb-up Thumb-up    from monfared/H (33,083) Send mail to this user on December 21, 2003 5:26:52 PM CST (9)

I like the sea and the mountains here that act like a natural background. Well seen perspective and great image quality. This is beautifully composed in general terms, too, but maybe I would crop it a little on the top. Great work. Regards.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from herbjort/Kjell (32,324) Send mail to this user on December 21, 2003 8:36:10 AM CST (8)

I like the birds eye view and that the image goes on further back. It is also nice with the mountins rising beside the houses. I would have like to see some more details in the houses. Plesae critic one of my shots.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from compo/Wayne (483) Send mail to this user on December 20, 2003 5:45:48 PM CST (10)

cracking good scene. If you pass every day then you could get a number of shots in different lighting.

I keep coming back to this, something doesnt quite feel right, I think it lacks "punch" not sure how to descibe that, maybe stronger colours in the foreground, maybe a little less blue cast ?? or even a tad more contrast.

Its the sort of place I could go to everyday and wait for that 5 minutes of magic light

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from vladimiro/Vladimiro (509) Send mail to this user on December 20, 2003 4:12:42 PM CST (12)

I think that a landscape so it is rarely found. Beautiful depth and the colors of I break down it. good contrast despite her the light haze. A beautiful job . Vladimiro

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from jandrade/Jose Paulo (37,683) This user is a Premium Member Send mail to this user on December 20, 2003 1:54:24 PM CST (11)

Hi! I like this photo due to the big contrast betweem the human structures and the big mountain in the background! The light that you have "found" enhances more this difference putting the backgroung in a mist and the mountains at right with a beautiful light. Jose Paulo

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from mtpsuper/Maria Teresa (40,702) Send mail to this user on December 20, 2003 1:40:47 PM CST (12)

Ciao Eugenio. I'm asking which part of the Lake could be. Maybe the "Gardesana Orientale?" (tra Riva e Torbole?).
I think that this is really a good photo, taken from a very good position that allowed you to obtain this fine picture, with the two big rocks of the mountain which seem to plunge in lake's water. The little sensation of haze adds more atmosphere to the image. Really a very beautyful thing. Bravo!
Mi sto chiedendo che parte del lago possa essere. Forse la Gardesana Orientale (tra Riva e Torbole)?.
Credo che questa sia davvero una buona foto, presa da una posizione molto buona che ti ha consentito di ottenere questa bella inquadratura, con i due grossi costoni di roccia della montagna che sembrano sprofondare a picco nell'acqua del lago. La sensazione accennata di foschia aggiunge più atmosfera all'immagine. Davvero una cosa molto bella. Bravo!
Continua portarti sempre dietro la macchinetta, guarda che c'hai intorno!

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from mikescot/Mike (26,435) Send mail to this user on December 20, 2003 6:01:02 AM CST (10)

Beautiful landscape shot. I like very good angle of shot and beautiful location. I really like mountains and places something like this. Good colours here. Regards, Mike.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from meinebilder/Tom (13,042) Send mail to this user on December 20, 2003 5:46:07 AM CST (12)

What a wonderful perspective you have found here Eugenio. I like the great deepht in your image and the blue moutains. Well done - regards - Tom.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from garyk/Gary (8,151) Send mail to this user on December 19, 2003 8:10:36 PM CST (15) Early critique

Eugenio - Lovely shot - I am surprised that you withdrew the last one because I always like to keep comments on my shots. This one is interesting - sot of a melting background to a high contrast shot. Personally - I think a bit over sharpened - Cheers!

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from arn/Arn (163) Send mail to this user on December 19, 2003 6:57:07 PM CST (16) Early critique

I can only agree with the previous critic: stunning scenery. I have to go visit this place someday! You are lucky to live on such a beautiful area. A better (adjusted) contrast would probably help bring out the colors even more, but might reduce the misty quality of the mountains in the backround.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from fireboat/Tim (1,709) Send mail to this user on December 19, 2003 6:47:57 PM CST (16) Early critique

This scene is simply stunning. I have no suggestions for this picture, but wanted to write and let you know I like it.

I can imagine it must also be beautiful at sunrise or sunset when the water and rock turns to warm golden colors.

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