Fallen on the pond

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Title     Fallen on the pond
Photographer     yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user
Portfolio     Acqua
Category     Nature
Camera     Fuji Finepix S304
Submitted     January 5, 2004 8:58:14 PM CST
Views     493
Rating     34 Thumb-up

Dolomiti, Alpi, Italia

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from gj680/Gj (51) Send mail to this user on March 29, 2005 8:39:02 PM CST (1)

Ciao! I like it a lot the only thing maybe just a little color warming would make it look more intense and powerful... Bravo comunque good work! Gj

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from dmax/d (353) Send mail to this user on January 12, 2004 1:24:47 PM CST (3)

ery well Eugenio, beautiful photo above all the contrast of the green of the water with the dark cliff. if you would even have resumed po more a cascade the photo he would be more snella. bravo eugenio, bella foto sopratutto il contrasto del verde dell'acqua con la roccia scura. se magari avresti ripreso un po più la cascata la foto sarebbe più snella.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from bobp/Bob (3,847) Send mail to this user on January 11, 2004 2:01:42 PM CST (2)

Eugenio, I'm returning a critique you did recently on one of my photos. I really like this photo (you have many wonderful ones in your portfolio). The lines in the rock and the foreground stones focus the eye inwards to the center of the photo. The colors are very rich and interesting. The only wish is for more sharpness. Perhaps more water blur would have made it stand out a little more. Nice job!

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Thumb-up    from euzebius/Wiley (7,078) Send mail to this user on January 10, 2004 1:16:41 AM CST (3)

Hi Eugenio, overall is a nice photo but I feel that the river at the bottom of the frame wash in too much. Crop out a bit (Those stones) may be nice. It could be better if those falling water got blur effect. To obtain this, try longer shutter speed may work. Also, the falling water is too small but i understand that it is not your fault and cannot avoid it due to the environment and your equipment. Moreover, the falling water was pose too center, try pose a bit left or right may be better.

Just my own opinion and hope it help. Thanks for sharing.

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Non-conforming thumb-up    from sinvidapadre/Phil (18,026) This user is a Premium Member Send mail to this user on January 8, 2004 9:58:23 AM CST

Accosento con il mio amico Migliore Polveroso (Dusty), che questa foto può essere fatta più meglio. Al lato di istruzione da lui,suggerirei mostrare la parte superiore della cascata. La parte inferiore di questa immagine è meno importante mostrando al posto da dove l'acqua sta venendo. Chiedo scusa per il mio italiano difettoso! Ciao


From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on January 8, 2004 6:22:34 PM CST

Thanks for the attention. This fall is in a small valley, with little light, and the fall is tall at least three times what she is seen, I had tried to take it all, but it was too much small.------------Grazie per l' attenzione. Questa cascata è in una piccola gola, con poca luce, e la cascata è alta almeno tre volte quello che si vede, avevo provato a prenderla per intero, ma risultava troppo lontana. Il tuo italiano è meglio del mio inglese :-)


From sinvidapadre/Phil (18,026) This user is a Premium Member Send mail to this user on January 9, 2004 6:11:11 AM CST

Grazie per il vostro complimento. Penso che abbiate gradito appena il mio allegory circa il sig. Migliore Polveroso... LOL Ciao


Thumb-up Thumb-up    from chungho/Ray (24,827) Send mail to this user on January 7, 2004 9:12:53 PM CST (7)

Eugenio, very nice shot. I think the image is blur in little bit, so it deduct some point. Composition of pic is OK, but waterfall is too centre.

Color and brightness is good here. Especially, I like the color of water too. Retake the pic with tripod must get the best result.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from mtpsuper/Maria Teresa (40,702) Send mail to this user on January 7, 2004 5:58:26 PM CST (8)

Ciao Eugenio. Questa mi sembra una bella inquadratura di una cascatella in un'acqua verde e limpida.
Mi sarebbe piaciuto, forse, un pizzico di brillantezza in più, sia nell'acqua che sulle rocce, ma probabilmente non c'era la luce giusta. O forse in una versione un po' più grande la brillantezza e la nitidezza delle rocce si sarebbero percepite di più.
Resta comunque un'immagine davvero gradevole e "scrosciante" di fresco.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from memo/Mehmet (38,244) Send mail to this user on January 7, 2004 5:57:56 PM CST (9)

hello Eugenio, good photo of a beautiful fall.. good colors and brightness. may be cropping from both left and right would be better. foreground rocks look ok for me. overall a good photo. Regards <|MehmeT|>

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from greenjade/Green (31,115) Send mail to this user on January 7, 2004 4:04:41 AM CST (11)

Hi, Eugenio! A nice little scene...inviting for a bath if it was summer :-) I Like the croppinng and the natuural mood on this one. I only think it shoukld be a bit sharper? Or I do need new glasses :-) All over a nice image Best regards GJ!

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on January 8, 2004 6:14:03 PM CST

Certainly that the bath can be made, but water is also icy in summer :-)


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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from rjohnson1/Robert (8,598) Send mail to this user on January 7, 2004 1:57:56 AM CST (10)

Nice shot of this lower part of a water fall. The details are very good of the rocks and the foreground. Colors tones are very striking too. Looks like a beautiful site for pictures. Hope you got a full shot of the fall. Great job on this.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from kienmoser/Gisela (66,983) Send mail to this user on January 6, 2004 12:31:51 PM CST (16)

hello Eugenio , a nice motive is this small wasserfall, which runs down the rock of walls , I think, the screen layout you well succeeded , the natural and clear colors please me , the natural lighting is here optimal ,nice photo work...best regards , Gisela

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from niggmanfred/Manfred (56,458) Send mail to this user on January 6, 2004 12:14:19 PM CST (16)

hello Eugenio, a wonderful clear water comes from the wasserfall into the small lake in the dolomites of Italy, your motive finds I so marvelously, here is a small paradies which you so perfect with your camera catches has, brilliant and clear colors, congratulate to you, excuse my English, best regards, Manfred

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from rvwv/Ray (11,803) Send mail to this user on January 6, 2004 12:07:45 PM CST (15)

Like the photo Eugenio. Like the progression of the photo is very nice with the light rocks in the foreground, water and darker fall in the background. The thing that saves the composition being too centered is the way you led into the photo from the left with the rocks. Light is a little bit of a problem here with the rock on left. Perhaps a little masking in PS might help.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from wwcsig/Wolfgang (15,246) Send mail to this user on January 6, 2004 9:43:29 AM CST (16)

From here it sure looks like I want to jump in. The water looks great but I know it must be awfully cold in this mountain pond. A few things I would change - for one the image looks very soft - I guess a long exposure without properly fixing the camera to a tripod is responsible here. Also the light is not optimal, I'd prefer evening or morning light that would give your more saturated colors. Lastly I'd take the waterfall off center, maybe move it a little to the left while at the same time taking some of the green out of the frame.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from thewitt/Tony (1,927) Send mail to this user on January 6, 2004 9:38:32 AM CST (15)

I disagree about using a longer exposure. For some waterfalls that may look nice, but in this one, I think you got it right. What I would suggest, though, would be to position the water fall along one of the 1/3 lines. It looks a little odd right in the middle of the photo.

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Thumb-up    from jandrade/Jose Paulo (37,683) This user is a Premium Member Send mail to this user on January 6, 2004 5:24:21 AM CST (13)

Hi! Nice photo of a nice location with a good composition. However, I think that the image lacks same sharpness all over mainly in the cliff with the water. Jose Paulo

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from kapalua/Thomas (64,989) Send mail to this user on January 5, 2004 9:48:10 PM CST (15) Early critique

That water sure has been made to look so inviting. While the stone face is quite out of focus, the blue green of the water captures our attention.I would suggest a much longer exposure to allow motion blur of the water to be visible.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from 853e/Gary . C (3,836) Send mail to this user on January 5, 2004 9:40:36 PM CST (14) Early critique

Eugenio,this place looks so peacefull and tranquill,you have captured this rather well,colours look great ,lighting is fantastic,great job done with the focus too,I personally would have loved to see the top of the fall in the shot and some info on where this place is,well captured and well presented..Gary . C .

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Thumb-up    from kokopeli/Brian (3,791) Send mail to this user on January 5, 2004 9:04:02 PM CST (14) Early critique

Colors are nice, but the overall softness of the image really takes from the punch this shot could have. Also, I would like to see more motion blur from the water. Perhaps a tripod and a longer exposure would have helped.

Thanks for posting this one for critique! ~Brian

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From phototaker/William (43) Send mail to this user on January 5, 2004 10:24:34 PM CST

Beautiful photograph. Beautiful place, I want to be there right now, swimming in that water. I wish you could have gotten more of the cliff in the picture. It looks like a great place to spend an afternoon. Good work.


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