So nearby so far

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Title     So nearby so far
Photographer     yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user
Portfolio     Acqua
Categories     Landscape
Lens     200 mm
Camera     Fuji Finepix S304
Submitted     January 10, 2004 7:43:39 PM CST
Views     1,546
Rating     86 Thumb-up

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from 71952/Aa (580) Send mail to this user on March 8, 2004 4:33:25 PM CST (3)

Ho guardato diverse tue foto e questa mi ha colpito particolarmente.
Ha un'aria magica, tutto è avvolto da una sottile nebbia blu come quando sei su una nave che all'alba sbuca dal buio del mare verso la costa.
Cordiali saluti
I have watched various your photos and this has hit to me particularly.
This photo has a magical air, all is wrapped from a thin blue fog like when you are on a ship that arrives at the dawn from the darkness of the sea towards the coast.
best regards

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from watergrrl/Belinda (221) Send mail to this user on March 5, 2004 2:38:42 PM CST (2)

This is a beautiful scene and you captured the subtle colour transitions beautifully - the haze and the sharpness in the details make for an interesting contrast. I would only recommend cropping out some of the sky, just leaving enough of it to see the transition from pink to blue. Otherwise, I just want this photo on my critiques page because of its loveliness.

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Thumb-up    from flash63/Marco (5) Send mail to this user on February 3, 2004 6:29:29 PM CST (2)

Ciao EU.Non sono uno che si perde in considerazioni tecniche anche xche non ho l'esperienza che puoi avere tu quindi, questa critica,prendila x quel che vale(zero). Mi spiace dirtelo ma non trovo nulla di interessante nella tua foto.E' tutto poco chiaro. non capisco quale sia il messaggio. Sicuramente saprai darmi dei ragguagli,se vuoi. Lo so, non ti fornisco una motivazione logica sul fatto che non mi piaccia e non ho suggerimenti x migliorarla ma, come ti ho detto prima,non ho una grande esperienza quindi è solo un punto di vista personale(il mio). ciao e a presto.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from robmellor/Rob (427) Send mail to this user on January 30, 2004 2:33:57 PM CST (2)

I really like the composition and pure feel of this picture it has a kind of 'magical quality'. Also you seam to have kept all the detail which is so important and makes it work so well.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from hjreif99/Jorg (3,649) Send mail to this user on January 26, 2004 5:42:09 PM CST (2)

What a beautiful picture, and what a good eye, and so much courage to take this shot undere xtreme conditions. This picture is so calm one could gest lost in it like nearly the little boat. In its simpleness and unexcitedness it gives -like so often quiet reductionist pictures do - a tiny element, a speck in the vast space (sailing boat) the power to tell its own story. Great art in my book, Eugenio. I love it, Jorg!

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from hl/Huub (10,571) Send mail to this user on January 19, 2004 3:18:31 AM CST (4)

Hi Eugenio, I already saw this photo a while back, but at that time I didn't respond. I must say I like it a lot. It's a composition of blues without much detail, but obvious to interpret. I especilaay like the misty borders between the water and the shore and between the two mountains. I only wish you would've cloned the little white speck (sail?) out and the thing in the sea at the right border. It attracts the eye too much. Regards, Huub

PS. Thanks for critiqueing my Painted Parasols

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from andag1/Andrew (168,839) Send mail to this user on January 15, 2004 6:12:55 PM CST (11)

I like the quiet and softness of this image, Eugenio. Is that white speck in the water a boat? If so it really tells me just how massive those rocky outcroppings are. This is really a very serene shot you have here. Very nice!

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from babumani/Babu (26,811) Send mail to this user on January 13, 2004 2:23:18 PM CST (11)

Nice composition, the overall colors and the distinct colors of sky, horizon and water are great. The details on the mountains are nicely visible, I like sharp contours of those mountains in the hazy atmosphere.

I have no big suggestion for improvement except cropping a tad at right to avoid that tiny edge, but that doesn't affect my 3TU 2 U. Good job.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from marionella/Marion (26,499) Send mail to this user on January 13, 2004 9:03:09 AM CST (13)

Nice shot Eugenio... Lovely soft colors and a very dreamy mood. I like the fading in the background very much... Regards Marion

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from rvwv/Ray (11,803) Send mail to this user on January 13, 2004 8:40:37 AM CST (13)

Nice photo Eugenio. I love blue so you can imagine this is my kind of shot. This photo has almost a mystical type of feel with the fog. Love the layering effect.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from maxart/Max (79,830) Send mail to this user on January 12, 2004 7:46:41 PM CST (17)

This is a magical landscape / seascape - a perfect example of creating depth using tonality a school example and an inspiration. Truely a beautiful image. Well done Eugenio. ;o)-max-

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from denniscamp/denniscamp (19,551) Send mail to this user on January 12, 2004 4:16:57 PM CST (14)

I like the blend of the shades of color with this scene the water and shroeline mix well and the color tones seem to fit the setting and mood, nice work.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from hassan/Hassan (17,190) Send mail to this user on January 12, 2004 3:25:06 PM CST (15)

A wonderful shot Eugenio , I think all has been said here , I love the tones of blue and the simple composition which is the KEY in this shot , for me that's a great pleace for medidation ,,, Best Regards .........~Hassan~

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from ali/Ali (7,302) Send mail to this user on January 11, 2004 7:07:41 PM CST (19)

Hi Eugenio, beautiful pleasant place and you've captured it very well. A great atmosphere, some hazy mountains and a visible sailboat, i realy like all of them together. Very good composition and angle too. Regards

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from memo/Mehmet (38,244) Send mail to this user on January 11, 2004 7:00:58 PM CST (19)

wow Eugenio, great shot! all tones of blue.. the mist gives a strong mood to the photo. very successful photo. Congrats <|MehmeT|>

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from gerardverhagen/Gerard (19,101) Send mail to this user on January 11, 2004 4:49:51 PM CST (18)

Hi Eugenio, again a proof that the S304 can make beautiful photos. This is a nice and peacuful landscape photo, with very nice contrast from the silhouets from the mountains. In this situation i should remove the litle white boat on the sea and the litle part from the rock at the right side, but that's personally. You know that i am a fan from frames around the photo, i think that a frame could give this photo more beauty, but overal a very good photo!

Best regards, gerard

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from monfared/H (33,083) Send mail to this user on January 11, 2004 4:16:01 PM CST (17)

Very beautiful. Good dreamy effect. Great composition and good image quality. There is a white spot in the centre left, I don't know what it is, that I would probably want to clone out. I would also want to crop this a little on the top. Great presentation. Regards.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from rjohnson1/Robert (8,598) Send mail to this user on January 11, 2004 2:07:59 PM CST (18)

A very nice scene for a photograph. Very intersting shot with this steep cliffs rising from the water and this slight haze in the air gives a very mystic look for the day. Great job on this one.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from speedphoto/Luc (12,184) Send mail to this user on January 11, 2004 1:10:56 PM CST (21)

Nice seascape from Italy. This misty scene has a calm and quiet sphere. The blue tones are beautiful and with the little white boat a nice composition. Good work, Eugenio. --- Luc

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from gian87/Marta (59,446) Send mail to this user on January 11, 2004 11:00:04 AM CST (22)

An Italian beauty Eugenio!Your picture transmits calm, immensity, solitude, and mainly beauty.With the enormous mountains of fence and the immensity of the lake, the distant mountains in the background and the extensive sky.With the tonalities that the mist brings and that you granted to him to this work.Another one of your Italian wonders! Best regards,Marta

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from rino/Rino (624) Send mail to this user on January 11, 2004 10:04:56 AM CST (17)

Aha , Lago di Garda. My vacation location for more than 20 years. This is shot nearby Torbole yes ? I guess Nago ;-) The picture itself is nice , but you can get a hole lot more out of such a nice scenery. Regards Rino (Belgium)

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from chungho/Ray (24,827) Send mail to this user on January 11, 2004 9:48:38 AM CST (20)

3TU for this image. This is a perfect example of the explaination about the calm, peaceful and comfortable feeling of morning. Foggy and choice of color is good. Image lack of object - boat. Adding the boat can fulfill the composition of pic. Certainly, this must be lucky in that moment. Anyway, this is a cool image too.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from euzebius/Wiley (7,078) Send mail to this user on January 11, 2004 8:07:47 AM CST (21)

WOW! What the impressive shot from you! I really like this mood of nature. Simple and clear composition make this photo to giving me peaceful feeling. If there have a boat pose at the left, it will be a perfect photo. One of the great photo today! Thanks for sharing.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from dbhans/Db (6,536) Send mail to this user on January 11, 2004 7:14:20 AM CST (21)

I will add to the accolades on this one. First I like the idea and the small sailboat along with its placement in the frame. The haze and mist make this a very moody image. Usually I would say I would like to see a few clouds but here the absence works well. If anything I might have cropped this just a tiny bit on the right side or cloned out the spot where there looks like just a bit of a rock formation or something is creeping into the photo. Beautiful scene. Regards DB Hans.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from jandrade/Jose Paulo (37,683) This user is a Premium Member Send mail to this user on January 11, 2004 6:54:17 AM CST (17)

Hi Eugenio! I particularly like this photo of yours. It is very well composed with a beautiful light and myst. I would only clone the white triangle (a small sail boat?). Jose Paulo

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from dmax/d (353) Send mail to this user on January 11, 2004 6:44:32 AM CST (17)

beautiful photo, the low haze from a feeling of tranquillity to all the context a tonality a darker Pò would even have helped. max bella foto, la foschia bassa da una sensazione di tranquillità a tutto il contesto. magari una tonalità un pò più scura avrebbe aiutato. max

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from blackcat/Luis (23,462) This user is a Premium Member Send mail to this user on January 11, 2004 6:07:27 AM CST (23)

So nearby so far****

Its amazing how "NEAR' "SO FAR" is. With all that foggy mist and the white speckle sailboat travelling the distance silently This is a great Seascape, a wide angle, with an unparalleled Panoramic view immersing us in a world different that that of ours, here at our desks thinking of the vastness of our universe here on earth in soft tones in all its graceful beauty and color while Eugenio has already been there enjoying the view.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from fly/Ludo (11,887) Send mail to this user on January 11, 2004 6:04:00 AM CST (21)

Eugenio, I like the colours of this picture. I feel a certain tension in the composition, which is probably affected by the unusual proportions in this photograph. I find that 'little' sailing boat actually very pleasant, and it is a pity that it not 'larger' or more dominant to balance against these majestic surroundings!

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from szamot/Henryk (3,354) Send mail to this user on January 11, 2004 5:26:00 AM CST (16)

Interesting mood of this shot. Fantastic aerial perspective! I can feel the humidity of this place ;-)). Good work, Eugenio!


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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from greenjade/Green (31,115) Send mail to this user on January 11, 2004 5:24:42 AM CST (23)

Hi Eugenio!! How really mystic an wonderful this image looks to me! I like the croppng(not to much but just enough) I like the bluish colour with all this foggy mood and vapor...i love this image as it is :-) Very nice job!

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from kienmoser/Gisela (66,983) Send mail to this user on January 11, 2004 4:39:54 AM CST (25)

hello Eugenio ,this photo of the mountain country shank at the water is very tendencyful for me , I love this soft execution and the tender and lovely colors, which are to be seen by the vapor of the water as in the light fog, I think, the screen layout you well regards , Gisela

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from mtpsuper/Maria Teresa (40,702) Send mail to this user on January 11, 2004 4:36:37 AM CST (26)

Hi Eugenio, here it is another of your photos of "your" (really, it's a little mine, too, :-), even from a distance) very fine Garda Lake, with its fascinating atmosphere due to the mountains which seem falling in the water. This time the haze gives a very beautyful sensation nearly of tale.<,r> I like this image and the comlessive blue effect which pervades it. Very good thing.

Ciao Eugenio, ecco un'altra delle tue foto del "tuo" (a dire il vero è anche un po' mio, anche se da lontano) bellissimo Lago di Garda, con la sua atmosfera suggestiva per le montagne che semprano cadere nell'acqua. Questa volta la foschia dà una bellissima sensazione quasi di fiaba.
Mi piace quest'immagine e l'effetto "blu" che la pervade. Davvero una buona cosa. Bravo!

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from niggmanfred/Manfred (56,458) Send mail to this user on January 11, 2004 2:58:30 AM CST (26)

Hello Eugenio, beautifully the tendency at the sea, this width and the landscape submission simply marvelously, a scene those to dream are, the colors match perfectly this tendency and give to the picture thereby the special note, excuse my English, best regards, Manfred

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Thumb-up    from hansv/Hans (11,196) Send mail to this user on January 10, 2004 7:56:41 PM CST (22) Early critique

Hi Eugenio,
It looks like a tight crop of Lake of Garda, or at least the same place. I like the mood it brings. It would be stronger if there was something to balance the rocks however. There is a white spot in the water which looks like a sail, but it is too small to balance. On 1/4 from the bottom/right is something in the water I would suggest to crop out.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from bobp/Bob (3,847) Send mail to this user on January 10, 2004 7:54:36 PM CST (17) Early critique

Eugenio, the more I looked at this photo the more I liked it. I really like the tiny sailboat - it it sharp enough even on this jpeg to show what it is. It is in the natural 1/3 spot that helps make it interesting. For me it feels a little better to have some cropped off the top. Nice job.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from auroralinx/Rich (145) Send mail to this user on January 10, 2004 7:47:39 PM CST (16) Early critique

Very nice photo, I would hang this on the wall in my house. I just wish there was a little more color in it.

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