Old landscape

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Title     Old landscape
Photographer     yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user
Portfolio     B/W
F-stop     f/8
Shutter speed     1/60 sec
Categories     Landscape
Scanner     Mustek Bear Paw 4800 Pro
Filter     Skylight
Lens     50 mm
Camera     Canon FTb
Format     35mm b&n
Film     Kodak 800
Submitted     January 17, 2004 1:08:06 PM CST
Views     789
Rating     31 Thumb-up

This is a photo done in December ,

Film Kodak 800 iso in B/W and exposed for 3200 iso

Camera Cannon ftb with manual exposure.

Objective 50 mm f 8 1/60

Developed with Kodak HC110.

Printed on paper Ilford to tall contrast.

Veered in seppia In dark room.

Scanner Bear Paw 4800 pro to 400 dpi

Any retouch with PS.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from hectortroy/Sean (2,280) Send mail to this user on January 26, 2004 10:45:08 PM CST (2)

Hi Eugenio, I really like composition of the photo. I also appreciate the great explanation of the processing. However, there are two things that I think could be improved. First, the image has a little too much grain for my taste. In particular, it is very difficult to see the womans face. Second, the scanning has caused fringing in the sky. Regards, Sean.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from mikescot/Mike (26,435) Send mail to this user on January 23, 2004 1:07:52 AM CST (3)

Good portrait landscape shot. I like this interesting settings in image what are in this old shot. Good composition with good use of foreground and background. Regards, Mike.

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Thumb-up    from jandrade/Jose Paulo (37,683) This user is a Premium Member Send mail to this user on January 19, 2004 6:25:51 PM CST (4)

Hi! This is a "historic" document. I liked the possibility to compare with your previous photo. Of course you can improve it a lot with PS but I like this style "raw-like". Jose Paulo

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Thumb-up    from chungho/Ray (24,827) Send mail to this user on January 19, 2004 6:37:28 AM CST (4)

Eugenio, I like this kind of portrait too. Composition of pic is good. Grainy technical with sepia tone, this can show the feeling of memory. In this composition, I may try to clone out the tree at the top of pic, this is really a distraction. Also, I prefer adding the flash to this shot, this is helpful to show the face of model clearly.

Anyway, this is a good trial. Keep going.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from marionella/Marion (26,499) Send mail to this user on January 19, 2004 3:08:01 AM CST (6)

Very nice, Eugenio... I like the retro look of this... Yery interesting how you achieved that look. The composition is very good with that girl in the foreground... Maybe her face is a bit dark? Regards Marion

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from mtpsuper/Maria Teresa (40,702) Send mail to this user on January 18, 2004 2:54:20 PM CST (9)

Ciao Eugenio. This your photo deserves particular attention, because it's not a simple thing, neither a photo of an immediate impact.
So, first of all I would like to examine the frame and the composition, which are surely good, typical of the dear photos that we all were (and still we are) used to take of a friend of someone that we love against a fine panorama; and I have to say that here the nice woman is well in pose respect the background.
Then we have to examine the "effects" of the print, scanner, and sepia: and maybe all this process has caused an eccessive grainy effect on the image, and the loose of details on the background.
I don't know if this is something that you should correct with PS, I suppose it is possible.
But the strange thing is that the final effect of the image, even with this unusual sensation of perplexity, is anyway interesting and stimulating, and at least pleasant.

Questa tua foto merita un'attenzione particolare, perchè non è una cosa semplice nè di impatto immediato.
Così prima di tutto vorrei esaminare l'inquadratura e la composizione, sicuramente buone, tipiche delle care foto che tutti noi eravamo soliti fare (e facciamo ancora) ad un amico o a qualcuno che amiamo davanti ad un bel panorama; e devo dire che qui la donna graziosa è in posa bene rispetto allo sfondo
Poi dobbiamo esaminare l’”effetto” di stampa, scanner, conversione in seppia: e forse tutto questo processo ha finito per causare un eccessivo effetto di granulosità dell’immagine, e la perdita di dettagli dello sfondo.
Non so se questo è qualcosa che si possa correggere con PS, suppongo di sì.
Ma la cosa strana è che l’effetto finale dell’immagine, perfino con questa insolita sensazione di perplessità, è comunque interessante e stimolante, ed in conclusione piacevole.
Mi piacerebbe avere un pollicione rosso da darti in più per il coraggio a mettere una cosa sicuramente a rischio ed “esposta” ad ipotetiche discussioni.

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on January 18, 2004 3:17:36 PM CST

As you say, surely this photo and to risk of red thumbs. But I have introduced this for two purposes that I have not explained, and I now try.First.:I want to compare it with a previous photo where it's possible to see the new constructions on the lake, in this photo the shore of the lake is clear of. Second : the reason is technical. This photo has been made with a high sensibility film and developed with a solution of development (HC110) particular for films to high sensibility, where the "nuisance" as effect was sought after. In fact they have also told me that this development was wasted for so low sensibility I would have owed "to throw " it up to 12000 asa. Granularity is not a defect but it is an effect and I haven't modified it using PS.

Perhaps as you say well this photo it was for " old wolves of dark room."

Come dici , sicuramente questa foto e a rischio di pollici rossi. Ma io l' ho presentata per due scopi che non ho spiegato, e provo ora. Il primo motivo e quella di paragonarla ad una foto precedente dove si vede le nuove costruzioni sul lago, in questa foto la riva del lago e sgombra. Il secondo motivo è tecnico, questa foto è stata fatta con pellicola ad alta sensibilità e sviluppata con una soluzione di sviluppo (HC110) particolare per pellicole ad alta sensibilità, dove la "grana" era ricercata come effetto. Infatti mi hanno detto anche che questo sviluppo era sprecato per cosi bassa sensibilità avrei dovuto "tirarla " fino a 12000 asa. La granulosità non è un difetto ma è un effetto e non l' ho levata con PS .

Forse come dici bene questa foto era per " vecchi lupi di camera oscura".


From mtpsuper/Maria Teresa (40,702) Send mail to this user on January 18, 2004 3:40:31 PM CST

Non so granchè delle "vecchie" tecniche, ma so che l'effetto granuloso era (ed è) qualcosa di specifico ed intenzionale, parlavo di "eccessivo", e forse questo eccesso, che forse sciupa più che altro lo sfondo, credo sia dovuto soprattutto alla fase di scannerizzazione. Sono sicura che nell'originale si vede nella misura "giusta". Ari-ciao.


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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from greenjade/Green (31,115) Send mail to this user on January 18, 2004 10:59:46 AM CST (10)

Hi Eugenio!! What a lovekly, oldfashiones image! Very nice and moody! Sepia futs perfect and gives it a speciail touch! Nice way you catured it, with this brach at the top...I really do like it! Sometimes I try to get this effect on an new image...you had it already... Best regards GJ!

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from rvwv/Ray (11,803) Send mail to this user on January 18, 2004 3:21:36 AM CST (11)

Interesting photo Eugenio. 1973, wow. Very nice composition, and interesting backdrop to take a portrait. Love the lines in the background. Some problems with the photo as mentioned before but considering the age it is a good job.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from rjohnson1/Robert (8,598) Send mail to this user on January 18, 2004 2:23:07 AM CST (11)

You must have used Kodak HC110 at full strength to push ISO (ASA as it was referred to back then) to 3200 from 800. The graininess is very apparent. Nice picture with a most interesting background for a portrait of a person. If only the brightness of the person was just brighter. A most interesting photograph.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from ali/Ali (7,302) Send mail to this user on January 17, 2004 8:18:28 PM CST (12)

Hi Eugenio, i can call it a memento pic. It has a very good toning. I'd rather a faster shutter speed in order to decrease the light at the background and a fill flash for brighting up her face. Still it's a good memorial pic. Regards

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from memo/Mehmet (38,244) Send mail to this user on January 17, 2004 7:33:46 PM CST (12)

heyy i know this placeeeeee Eugenio ;-) lake of garda.. time changed it so much. good nostalgic photo. very emotive. composition is also successful. Congrats! <|MehmeT|>

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from martijn/Rob (6,882) Send mail to this user on January 17, 2004 2:14:48 PM CST (12)

It looks and reads like a long history. Very nice to explain all that, gives appreciation for the result. Thanks for showing.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from dmax/d (353) Send mail to this user on January 17, 2004 1:34:33 PM CST (10) Early critique

beautiful job Eugenio, I see that you take practical with the photoshop, useless dirti if it were possible to schiarire the ace. bel lavoro Eugenio, vedo che prendi pratica con il photoshop, inutile dirti se era possibile schiarire il viso.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from niggmanfred/Manfred (56,458) Send mail to this user on January 17, 2004 1:32:48 PM CST (12) Early critique

hello Eugenio, I do not find the Idea for your old landscape admission bad, I am no super specialist, but it seems to me somewhat too roughly granular, or is it the age of the admission or is it the transformation in Sepia? which city is the those to see here is? otherwise your photo work, best regards, pleases me Manfred

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from remogenova/Remo (2,370) Send mail to this user on January 17, 2004 1:18:56 PM CST (9) Early critique

Ciao Eugenio.Optimal photography, beautiful grain, optimal color sepia, beautifulst panorama, compliments.wowowow Eugenio.Ottima fotografia, mi piace la grana di questa foto, e il colore caldo che ha preso, ottimo panorama, e bl primo piano della ragzza, per avere quegli'anni e ancora ben conservata, che ne dici di rivivacizzarla con photoshop? ma gari riusciresti a togliere un po di polvere, e ripulirla, merita davvero, complimenti per tutti i tuoi lavori, ti segue spesso hehe, ciao

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from kienmoser/Gisela (66,983) Send mail to this user on January 17, 2004 1:17:17 PM CST (13) Early critique

hello Eugenio ,to arrange beautiful landscape and good idea of you in Sepia execution ,by this colour the picture works like a painting of an earlier time ,the woman in the foreground fits into the picture, unfortunate is good that the face works too darkly,nice photo work...best regards , Gisela

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