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Title     Reflection
Photographer     yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user
Portfolio     Acqua
Categories     Emotive
Filter     Skylight
Lens     200 mm
Camera     Fuji Finepix S304
Submitted     February 12, 2004 7:13:44 PM CST
Views     1,251
Rating     40 Thumb-up

A moment of particular light.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from leoverhagen/Leo (12,362) Send mail to this user on February 22, 2004 12:22:01 PM CST (4)

Perfect picture Eugenio. The light in the water and the dark mountains make a very nice composition. Colors are wonderfull. Great shot.

Well done !!


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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from marionella/Marion (26,499) Send mail to this user on February 21, 2004 10:25:42 AM CST (3)

Beautiful landscape shot. I especially like the golden color of the water... A very nice and warm mood. Well done! Regards Marion

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from herbjort/Kjell (32,324) Send mail to this user on February 20, 2004 3:44:04 PM CST (6)

Absolutely beautiful although quite simple. My instinct would be to crop out some of the bottom. Would not have minded some less noise in the sky either.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from maxart/Max (79,830) Send mail to this user on February 17, 2004 5:53:12 PM CST (7)

Hi Eugenio - First I have to say this is a beautiful place and a magic moment, standing there must have been almost spiritual. The picture captures only some of the magic, as is often the case. There seems to be quite a lot of noise, I think you did some postprocessing or maby very high iso, it is a 3tu except for that. ;o)-max-

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from zamagura/Miro (12,696) Send mail to this user on February 16, 2004 3:58:25 PM CST (7)

I don't want to comment more on the technical aspects of the photo accept that I like the image, the silhouette of the mountain is great and the golden reflection in the water is beautiful.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from rvwv/Ray (11,803) Send mail to this user on February 14, 2004 11:38:09 PM CST (6)

Nice photo Eugenio. Love the water. The way it shines and shimmers golds is very nice. The rocks provide an interesting contrast.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from greenjade/Green (31,115) Send mail to this user on February 14, 2004 12:17:16 PM CST (8)

Hi Eugenio! I like your work...I like this golden, fairytalelile effect. Like the dark moutain is hiding and sheltering some increbilble treasure....huiii, me and my fantasie :-) Serioiuusly...nice shot, light, composition & mood... Liebe Grüße Green Jade

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Thumb-down    from dealcatcher/Dan (569) Send mail to this user on February 13, 2004 1:17:32 PM CST (3)

I'm very surprised this photo is on the main page today. It just doesn't inspire me and I find it uninteresting. The gold water is ok but looks unnaturally sharpened. The sky has a very noise blotchy digital look to it. This type of shot would work much better with a wider angle to give it a panoramic look. The aspect ratio of this photo just does noting for me.

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Thumb-up    from marcoflaman/Marco (7,331) Send mail to this user on February 13, 2004 11:12:07 AM CST (11)

Mmm...when I saw the thumb, I was a lot more enthousiast then now. The optical quality is not that good, there is some noise in it (I know, sometimes that is no problem) and I can't find a point to rest my eye on. The colours a beautiful indeed, but that is probably the only thing I like about it. I like your 'daytime' version better! Regards, Marco

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from mtpsuper/Maria Teresa (40,702) Send mail to this user on February 13, 2004 8:58:04 AM CST (13)

I like this golden but soft sensation in this image, and I find as unusual and pleasant the effect of little brushstrokes of gold on the lake's water. As someone said, maybe in the right part there's a little of overexposition, but I think that it wasn't possible to avoid it, to obtain this final effect in the image. Very fine, too, the colours of the sky on the background, and the perception of the mountain's rocks sequence. Bravo. Ciao.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from vela2000/Lorenzo (377) Send mail to this user on February 13, 2004 8:27:35 AM CST (11)

Impressive details of the shining water, the color of the sea and the sky is very nice. However you should try to sharpen a little more the sky as there are many pixels visible.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from datcali/Nazan (2,716) Send mail to this user on February 13, 2004 6:13:28 AM CST (13)

This seems to be a really peaceful moment. You must have felt glorious while taking it. Perhaps needs a little bit movement on the left side but still so beautiful.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from jandrade/Jose Paulo (37,683) This user is a Premium Member Send mail to this user on February 13, 2004 3:52:27 AM CST (15)

Hi! The silhouette of the cape upon the lake is very impressive, turning the scene an eye-catcher. It is, however, with several light and exposure problems that become relatively minor in a global view. Jose Paulo

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from kienmoser/Gisela (66,983) Send mail to this user on February 13, 2004 12:07:51 AM CST (16)

hello Eugenio , a very tendencyful picture, which give last suns jets here a beautiful colour wonderful in the water are reflected, I loves this good contrast by the large mountain in the background , good regards , Gisela

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from niggmanfred/Manfred (56,458) Send mail to this user on February 13, 2004 12:07:38 AM CST (15)

Hello Eugenio, a beautiful and tendencyful submission of the mountains at the water, the colors are so lovely and soft, and give the condition of the last daylight perfect again, I think you here optimally the submission time met, excuse my English, best regards, Manfred

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from mikescot/Mike (26,435) Send mail to this user on February 12, 2004 11:56:48 PM CST (13)

Nice landscape shot. I like interesting and a litle mystic mood in this shot. I prefer in this composition to crop from top and from bottom a litle. Regards, mike.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from lamarnix/Lamar (44,324) Send mail to this user on February 12, 2004 10:09:39 PM CST (15)

Eugenio, a very enchanting capture which strives for perfection and almost makes it. Great job with the golden sea. Varying contrast of the layers of mountains creates great depth into the background. Best wishes, Lamar.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from denniscamp/denniscamp (19,551) Send mail to this user on February 12, 2004 10:05:28 PM CST (11)

The silhouette of the rock cliffs surrounded by the shimmering water and the warm colors makes for a perfect scene. Well seen.

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Non-conforming thumb-up Non-conforming thumb-up    from omnix/Stephen (36) Send mail to this user on February 12, 2004 9:23:20 PM CST

Good composition, and very appealing. A bit overexposed on the right. Nice work.


Thumb-up Thumb-up    from gian87/Marta (59,446) Send mail to this user on February 12, 2004 7:43:13 PM CST (14) Early critique

Ciao Eugenio!This is a very interesting picture.It is a simple but great landscape.I like the net contrast between the foreground and the background.And the effect of the golden water.The problem that I encounter is that to the right the water was sobreexposed.Anyway, it is a good and very interesting work.Photography is to draw with light and with this pixture you gives to us an excellent example.Best regards,Marta

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from andag1/Andrew (168,839) Send mail to this user on February 12, 2004 7:33:22 PM CST (14) Early critique

Reminds me of a song, "Slipping into darkness...". Interesting how this goes from light to a dark unknown void. Has kind of a primal feel about it. Spooky.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from peteropus/Peter (1,298) Send mail to this user on February 12, 2004 7:30:21 PM CST (12) Early critique

People are lazy today or already asleep. This is great. The golden light is beautiful, but created some technical problems at the same time.

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From ionyldy/Iony (889) Send mail to this user on February 12, 2004 9:34:19 PM CST



From rvwv/Ray (11,803) Send mail to this user on February 13, 2004 12:35:26 AM CST

Sorry empty thumbs, Nice photo Eugenio. Love the water. The way it shines and shimmers golds is very nice. The rocks provide an interesting contrast.


From eugenio/Eugenio (0) Send mail to this user on February 13, 2004 7:33:39 AM CST

Mi piace, molto reale....è praticamente quello che vedo dalla finestra di casa.. Ciao Eugenio


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