Sails in the haze

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Title     Sails in the haze
Photographer     yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user
Portfolio     Acqua
F-stop     f/8
Shutter speed     1/125 sec
Categories     Aerial
Camera     DSC-f828
Submitted     April 12, 2004 7:28:30 PM CDT
Views     2,003
Rating     59 Thumb-up

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from lamarnix/Lamar (44,324) Send mail to this user on March 21, 2005 12:22:20 AM CST (1)

Wonderful silver tones across the water with the many sail shapes creates an interesting composition. In comparison the mountain silhouettes look huge creating a vastnesss of space. Well done! Best wishes, Lamar.

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Non-conforming thumb-up Non-conforming thumb-up Non-conforming thumb-up    from duccio75/Duccio (376) Send mail to this user on May 14, 2004 4:38:54 AM CDT

Great pic and great point of view. You were able to capture a fantastic atmosphere. the mountain hidden by the haze gives a sense of mistery and fear, on the other hand the brightness of the sun on the water and the sailboats give a quite feeling. Excellent water effects, the boats seem to sail on ice!!regards duccio


Thumb-up Thumb-up    from maxart/Max (79,830) Send mail to this user on April 30, 2004 5:56:01 PM CDT (4)

Eugenio, this is spectacular and monumental and it is all bathed in excuisite light. A very impressive image, you have done very well on this one. ;o)-max-

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from sass/Thomas Sass (25,236) Send mail to this user on April 30, 2004 4:04:22 PM CDT (4)

Hi Eugenio.
A very fine shot you made here. The colors are fine, I like the misty look this one has along with the sun in the water. The difference in the size between the mountains and boats are stricking, I love the way you captured this. Lets us know how small we really are ;o) Keep clicking ;o)
Best regards

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Non-conforming thumb-up Non-conforming thumb-up Non-conforming thumb-up    from watergrrl/Belinda (221) Send mail to this user on April 25, 2004 9:57:32 AM CDT

Aaaaah! Even better! The variety of textures and shading is a treat.


Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from leoverhagen/Leo (12,362) Send mail to this user on April 24, 2004 11:14:52 AM CDT (5)

Beautyfull shot Eugenio. The bleu haze, the foggy mountains and the reflection of the sun on the water makes this a perfect picture.

Well done!!


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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from traffic/Sergei (5,539) Send mail to this user on April 21, 2004 10:38:58 AM CDT (5)

Exceptional atmosphere you've created here, Eugenio. Little sailboats make us appreciate the magnificently huge mountains and vice versa. Mustve been incredibly hard to properly expose the reflecting sea, especially when it's in a haze like that, but you've done remarkable job here.

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from guvenorbay/Güven (110,521) Send mail to this user on April 14, 2004 2:22:57 AM CDT (10)

YUPPYYY!! This is my 1000's critique, and this is for you Eugenio, all said till now.. Wish everybody happiness and good health.. I am glad to be here with Psig, to know all of you members.. The image is amazing, excellent, with great style, beautiful artwork.. Regards. Güven..

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from kienmoser/Gisela (66,983) Send mail to this user on April 14, 2004 1:45:24 AM CDT (15)

hello Eugenio ,a great picture ,very good representation these scene at the lake,a fantastic tendency is produced by the fog, sun and shade, the many small working sails on the water are nice , the water on the lake glittered marvelously ,beautiful colors, outstanding perspective, (before a few days was allowed I a similar tendency in Riva at the Garda to experience),excellentes regards , Gisela

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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from kayabay/Deniz Sevki (18,688) This user is a Premium Member Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 5:18:37 PM CDT (12)

A truly amazing picture of "Rhapsody in Blue". The incredible panorama seems it never has an end. The best part of the photo is the criples on the sea, and how the sun makes a dancing reflection on them. I am only not sure on the gray frame; a white, a dark blue, a thin pitch black frame or even no frame at all would have done better. Congrats Eugenio, you've deserved to take the top seat in the main page and this is indeed a hell of a wallpaper too.

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 6:26:18 PM CDT

Thanks Deniz for the beautiful words. Excellent the idea of the musical joining.


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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from subha/Subha (1,763) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 3:45:08 PM CDT (11)

incredibly stunning image.. this is definately a dream come true. The sun shine, angle of light and clouds and mountains makes this perfect.. where is this?

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 6:22:34 PM CDT

Thanks Subha . It is the lake of Garda , nord Italy


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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from andag1/Andrew (168,839) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 10:49:13 AM CDT (17)

Hi Eugenio,

I'm not so sure I can do much better than Marta in describing how much I like this shot but I'll try. I like how these seaside cliffs are shrouded in the mists, giving this a haunted feel. But then in the very same image we see the light! The beautiful silvery reflection upon the surface brings hope from the unknown of the background. God showing the way and making a comforting path with his light for all these insignificant followers in the sea! Truly an image full of hope and mystery, all in one!

Other than the small amout of noise in the sky this is my favorute shot from you, Eugenio. Such an emotional scene! Splendid eye for you to see this opportunity. Frame it and call it a day!

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 2:52:22 PM CDT

Thanks Andrew for your enthusiastic words. I am happy that you have seen the Light in this image.


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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from herbjort/Kjell (32,324) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 9:46:25 AM CDT (15)

It is a beautiful scene, but all those sails turns this into something extraordinary. I might could wish for less noise in the sky, but that is just minor minor. At first I would crop out some of the front, but I findt it hard doing anything to the beautiful blue in front. Great shot!!

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 2:46:30 PM CDT

Thanks Kjell for the criticism. I have tried to remove the noise from the sky, but I am not an expert of PS sorry.


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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from niggmanfred/Manfred (56,458) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 9:37:38 AM CDT (17)

Hello Eugenio, of the sun glitzernde the water and in the background the light vapor, a large photo work, a question of the Garda lake? I find the colors so fresh and alive, and the composition successfully, best regards Manfred

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 2:45:40 PM CDT

Thanks Manfred. Yes is the lake of Garda. On the occasion of the first regatta in spring.


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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from francostoppini/Franco (7,309) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 9:10:57 AM CDT (13)

When I first look to the icon, I cannot understand the title. Where are the sails? Than, looking to the (big) image I have seen them! There are a lot of sails, and they are so small... the rocks of the coast are really huge. This was my first impression. The image is wonderfull, but without the sails probaly we cannot feel the majesty of the landscape. Congrats. Ciao

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 2:44:37 PM CDT

Thanks Franco I am happy that you are liked.


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Non-conforming thumb-up Non-conforming thumb-up Non-conforming thumb-up    from ilanbt/Ilan (5,817) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 7:55:28 AM CDT

The reflection of the clouds and the sun in the water the misti mountains and the sails in the water creates a beautiful picture.


From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 8:53:02 AM CDT

Thanks Llan for the positive criticism.


From ilanbt/Ilan (5,817) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 9:01:42 AM CDT

I appologize I accidently sent the critic too soon so the it didn't count because it was too short. and thank you for the beautiful picture.


From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 2:43:55 PM CDT

The points don't matter Lian, what importance is your thought.


Thumb-up Thumb-up    from memo/Mehmet (38,244) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 7:08:19 AM CDT (13)

hello Eugenio, sunlight reflection on the sea is really great and adds to the pic to much. with it and haze it gives a nice mood. sky is a bit noisy but overall good work. Congrats <|MehmeT|>

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 8:50:49 AM CDT

Thanks Mehmet for the beautiful words and the criticism.


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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from euzebius/Wiley (7,078) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 3:15:15 AM CDT (14)

Hi Eugenio, a wonderful sence you had captured. Those fog around the moutain really impressive me and the reflected light on the sea. Just feel that the left side is too much space for my taste. I would like to add some stuff on the left something like The Sun. It would be more interesting and attractive. Overall is a good photo and thanks for sharing.

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 8:50:20 AM CDT

Thanks Wiley for the criticism and the suggestions.


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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from mtpsuper/Maria Teresa (40,702) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 3:04:26 AM CDT (16)

Just writing about your similar photo (sails in the reflex) I told you that it was something of exceptional and very particular, but in this case you've been able to obtain a photo even more fine.
As someone said, here, it wasn't easy to have these effects wih digital camera, but I've to say that this image is really interesting, and it seems fine the choiche of the composition, with the mountains so discreetly present, and this drawing (quite something of abstract) made by the little sails in regata.
Really, something of very beautyful. Bravo!

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 8:49:57 AM CDT

Thanks Maria Teresa For your magnificent words.


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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from ondy1940/Eldon (85,403) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 12:04:19 AM CDT (19)

Not only do we see a scene of magnificent pictorial beauty we look in on the entire fleet of a race regatta with what looks like a buoy on the extreme left.The towering rocks totally dwarf the boats as they sail in this splendid vista. The water sparkles like silver grains carefully reflecting the serene surroundings. The composition is a lesson for all to see, the haze covered hills majestically guarding their watery surrounds. The huge and spacious scene is captured with great care and attention to minute detail. If this is an aerial shot as your category suggests it is nothing short of a miracle.

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 8:47:11 AM CDT

Thanks Eldon Per the beautiful criticism. The photo and is served as a helicopter that the regatta followed. I have not cut on the left because there was the boa and I believe that it serves for the composition. I have gone off 400 images from 3,2 Mb , of this scene and I have to fill a microdrive from 2.2Gb :-))


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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from gian87/Marta (59,446) Send mail to this user on April 12, 2004 9:30:36 PM CDT (17)

Impressive picture Eugenio!From the sky to the sand, from the top to the bottom, is one picture unique and incredible.It transmits a sensation of immensity and solitude that leaves me perplex.The variation of the tonality, the mist and simultaneously the sharpness is extraordinary.These Sails in the haze like ordered points that are crossing the sea is as surprising as the rest of all composition.I am touching before as much beauty.Best regards,Marta

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From blackcat/Luis (23,462) This user is a Premium Member Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 12:08:04 AM CDT

This is a great compliment to the photographer considering that Marta has 63 photos on the Sea. My favorite one being: "How much solitude, how much sadness..." BC


From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 8:45:56 AM CDT

Thanks marta for emotions that you have known how to find and that you transmit in your criticism. As Luis says said by you it is meaningful even more.


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Non-conforming thumb-up Non-conforming thumb-up Non-conforming thumb-up    from liutas/Eugenijus (690) Send mail to this user on April 12, 2004 8:59:06 PM CDT

While Luis see a sand, I see a ocean, covered by ice. And there can be an iceboats.
It is the same - yachts, iceboats or something else - still wonderful image of beautiful place.
1TU of 3 given for right usage of a digital camera - you very good use it, making from a crummy, weak itself possibilities of a 828 (for such kind of shots) very puwerful artwork.
It is very nice job, with good understanding of your camera.


From blackcat/Luis (23,462) This user is a Premium Member Send mail to this user on April 12, 2004 9:12:48 PM CDT

I like your interpretation Eugenijus. Thanks. Regards, BC/Luis


From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 8:45:00 AM CDT

Thanks Eugenijus. For your words. The 828 is very complex and I is studying for improving my understanding of the camera.


Thumb-up Thumb-up    from blackcat/Luis (23,462) This user is a Premium Member Send mail to this user on April 12, 2004 8:29:19 PM CDT (20)

Sails in the haze****

It was worth the wait to download this 543K Image of 945x649 pixels. It deserves 7TUs but I'm allowed just 2TU. Impressive Display of Beauty and Freedom Eugenio. Fabulous tones, texturally amazing. Looks like the Sun reflections on the Sea have transformed the Ocean water into sand and this are Sail Gliders on a Desert as vast as the Sahara. If it weren't for the Mountains we would believe this is a Mirage due to excessive heat. Great alignment of the Sailboats in this 'Race' to the Finish line in full style and awesome sharpness, in spite of the fog. Sails in the Haze navigates undoubtedly to a Main Page in the History of Photography.

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 8:44:11 AM CDT

Thanks Luis for the fantastic visions that you have known how to gather in this photo. Excuse me for the dimensions of 543K, in origin they were 3,2 Mb from 3264x2448 pixels I have reduced more than I was able.


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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from jandrade/Jose Paulo (37,683) This user is a Premium Member Send mail to this user on April 12, 2004 7:48:29 PM CDT (14) Early critique

Hi! This photo is nice. The mountains in the background gives scale to the little boats.The mist gives some mood. There is some overexposition but it works fairly aiding the atmosphere. Jose Paulo

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 8:43:09 AM CDT

Thanks Jose Paulo for the criticism.


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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from peteropus/Peter (1,298) Send mail to this user on April 12, 2004 7:42:41 PM CDT (13) Early critique

Another excellent shot of this beautiful place. I love them all. This one, with all those yachts is fantastic and funny.

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 8:42:21 AM CDT

Thanks Peter for the appreciation.


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Thumb-up Thumb-up Thumb-up    from varik/Rik (725) Send mail to this user on April 12, 2004 7:40:32 PM CDT (13) Early critique

Amazing and pro picture !! One of the better ones i saw around here.. well done eugenio

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on April 13, 2004 8:41:53 AM CDT

Thanks Rik for the beautiful words.


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