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Walls of the medioeval

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Title     Walls of the medioeval
Photographer     yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user
Portfolio     Castle of Toblino
F-stop     f/5.6
Shutter speed     1/125 sec
Categories     Landscape
Lens     55 mm
Camera     Canon EOS 300D
Content advisory     G (general audiences)
Submitted     March 14, 2005 5:51:31 PM CST
Views     384
Rating     19 Thumb-up

Walls of the Old castle
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Thumb-down    from drummond/Janet and Rod (18,605) Send mail to this user on March 22, 2005 4:44:53 PM CST (4)

Hi Eugenio, I'm struggling with this image when I look at it. The composition is quite pleasing - the gentle slope leading to a rather majestic tree on the right hand side, the walls of the old castle adding interest.

The difficulty for me is the light, which is awfully bright and distracting in the background in particular, I think it is accentuated by what looks like a low lying fog which is causing more illumination of the available light. Also the foreground grass which has blown out, it's not a pleasing soft light, it's quite harsh. I would suggest that you would shoot this area with the sun rising or setting so that you can work with the softer lighting and perhaps avoid the contrast between the darker areas here and the overblow areas.

There's most definitely potential here, but the lighting is not being kind to your composition and make it hard, for me, to engage with the photograph. Best regards, Janet

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from joyia/Sardar Muhammad (60,024) Send mail to this user on March 19, 2005 3:00:39 PM CST (5)

Greeting Eugenio . A very lovely landscape with good composition DOF lighting focus and exposure.Nice use of tree for framing, nice light and shadow use to creat a depth .nice wall detail with good prespective. Great shot indeed. best wishes . regards Joyia

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from memo/Mehmet (38,244) Send mail to this user on March 17, 2005 4:40:42 PM CST (7)

hello Eugenio,. i like most here the exposure control. colours look so natural and the brightness is optimum. good effort, congrats!

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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from jandrade/Jose Paulo (37,683) This user is a Premium Member Send mail to this user on March 16, 2005 4:54:58 PM CST (8)

Hi! I like the way the trees have formed a frame for the man-made structures. The walls seems also a modern sculpture in the middle of a country scene. Jose Paulo

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on March 17, 2005 10:57:16 AM CST

Thanks Jose Paulo.


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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from gian87/Marta (59,446) Send mail to this user on March 15, 2005 7:30:56 PM CST (12)

Ciao Eugenio,a beautiful,simply and well done picture.The light can create wonders like this.The mountains in the fog like background, the great tree with the colors of the spring, and the diagonal of the medieval walls it has the beauty of the simplicity and with a great load of the history.Best regards,Marta

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on March 16, 2005 6:23:19 AM CST

Grazie Marta per la bella critica.


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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from lamarnix/Lamar (44,324) Send mail to this user on March 15, 2005 12:13:50 AM CST (12)

Great light and spring colors in the tree , Eugenio! Very strong composition with simplicity of elements. You might fix up with clone/stamp tool that spot of dead leaves just in the center. Nice work. Best regards, Lamar.

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on March 15, 2005 10:32:24 AM CST

Thanks Lamar.


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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from fonglam/Fong (39,666) Send mail to this user on March 15, 2005 12:06:21 AM CST (11)

Hi Eugenio, great image with those two imposing trees on both sides of the image framing the castle walls. It must be quite a breath taking view here when one can admire those distant misty mountains. Good sharpness and exposure. Regards, Fong

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on March 15, 2005 10:31:57 AM CST

Thanks Fong.


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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from babumani/Babu (26,803) Send mail to this user on March 14, 2005 7:51:03 PM CST (12)

Directional sunlight on the tree at the right and on the castle walls are very warm and nice with the hazy/foggy atmosphere and mountain background, the castle wall seems to be the element for point of interest here, so I would have chosen a different angle to compose with only one castle wall/column is included within the frame probably in the foreground.

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on March 14, 2005 7:59:23 PM CST

Thanks Babu for the beautiful criticism.


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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from mtpsuper/Maria Teresa (40,699) Send mail to this user on March 14, 2005 7:04:41 PM CST (12) Early critique

It's an interesting thing this one, Eugenio, because of the fine game amoung sun's light and reflections and blurred background, but, above all, because of this so unusual choiche of having, as protagonist of the scene, the merlons of castle's walls (Toblino, again, is it so?), and taken in a so particular way.
Fine sun's lightness, and fine, too, the tidyness of trees's branches.
A pleasant image.

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on March 14, 2005 7:09:10 PM CST

Grazie Maria Teresa. Si, e' il castello di Toblino.


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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from hoss302/Mike (160) This user is a Premium Member Send mail to this user on March 14, 2005 6:49:28 PM CST (11) Early critique

This is a great photo. I like sharpness & the contrast. The misty fog is good in my opinion--it's gives a mystical sea wall/high mountain look. I would've liked to have seen the entire tree on the right. It's character & color are incredible.

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on March 14, 2005 6:53:58 PM CST

Thanks Mike


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Thumb-up Thumb-up    from edu/Edu (7,026) Send mail to this user on March 14, 2005 6:21:00 PM CST (10) Early critique

very simple and nice composition. extremely sharp and very well executed. i love the game of light and shadows you got. i would have preferred a little more contrasted background, i mean not so "washed" by this kind of fog, but i suppose that wasn´t on your hand. good work. congrats Eugenio.-Edu.-

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From yagoryo/Eugenio (14,335) Send mail to this user on March 14, 2005 6:26:47 PM CST

Thanks Edu for the criticism


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